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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How Will The Cybercrime Law Affect the Way I Blog?

As a blogger, I am not really affect by it. I talk about movies and not politics. The only thing that bothered me in this law is the restriction of torrenting. That's my life. I get almost all of my films by torrenting. But NAY! I will never stop torrenting! 

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

[Braveheart Reference - Check]

The Jim Caviezel Playlist: Transit (2012)

Jim Caviezel has been getting a lot of B-movies. Not just any ordinary b-movies but good ones. This latest film from him is one of his best. The story is about a family travelling for a camping trip but got tangled with a bunch of viscous robbers after their heist. 

You might think its that same old story again but it's not. The script isn't that bad for a b-movie. The acting is really realistic and natural. There's a lot of interesting twist and the situation seem really really plausible. There's a lot of suspense and action in this movie. My mother was literally shouting when we were watching it. There's a lot of story flaws but it's acceptable and easily forgettable.

What interesting for me is that the main protagonist, Nate (Jim Caviezel) isn't a trained cop or a CIA agent with experience. He is a father with no necessary skills in his situation; It a real person going through this haunting scenario.

A movie full of suspense and action. Not bad for a b-movie.

80's Action Films are Back

The action heroes from the 80's are back. They are back with a vengeance. During an interview, Sylvester Stallone said that superhero films destroyed the action hero genre. I respectfully disagree. I believe that the reason the action hero got ruined is because they stopped producing one. Now, because of The Expendables (2010), they relived their glory days and got more inspired to do more. The Expendables franchise has been a hit in the box office and the DVD Releases.

Because of that action legends has been making new projects. Sly and Arnie on, The Tomb (2013) with my fave, Jim Caviezel. Bruce Willis on A Good Day To Die Hard (2013) and a bunch of action films for the year of 2013. That being said, now that they started to do films again, I guess the action hero genre's back.

The Jim Caviezel Playlist: Outlander (2008)

Jim Caviezel is a badass actor and this film showcased his badassery. He always has this role of a good guy with great skills being chased and bullied by bad people. He's almost like the modern day american FPJ. In this film, his role was no different but with a viking sword and a bit of a sci-fi ray gun.

"Wait what?" is what I am guessing your reaction to the last sentence be. Swords and ray guns. That's right the movie's about a man with futuristic stuffs got his spaceship crashed from the land of the vikings. The movie has a Norse Legend theme mixed with science fiction elements. I have never seen a movie with that equation. As Jim Caviezel stated, "Kind of like Braveheart (1995) and Highlander (1986) combined." A very interesting setting for a movie that leaves you curious as you were watching the film.

I don't usually watch B-movies but I'm glad I watched this one. The film really surpassed my expectation. It's has a lot of action-packed scenes. The story's quite interesting but it isn't too deep. The story has a good character development, specially with part of the vikings. The CGI aren't that bad but it could have been better. The acting were superb, specially with actors like, John Hurt and Ron Pearlman. If you're looking for an entertaining film with full of action and interested in vikings and sci-fi's, well this film's for you.

Seven Psychopaths Red Band Trailer

By the looks of the trailer, it looks amazing. A movie full with brilliant actors and an original story. It's not very unusual for Hollywood today. When most of the films today were remakes, reboots and adaptations, this film's a fresh sight from herd.

Colin Farrell, Christopher Walken, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Tom Waits, Olga Kurylenko, and Abbie Cornish. Seven brilliant actors playing as psychopaths. The film looks hilarious, interesting, and original. Definitely my most awaited list for this year.

Trailer and synopsis below.

A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu.

The Jim Caviezel Playlist

Remember when I promised to watch two of Rian Johnson films? Yeah, you should. It's on my last post. Well, rules are about to change my friend. Jim Caviezel is what I watched this week. It was not intentional but maybe it's destiny.

Why Jim Caviezel? My father watches his TV Show, Person Of Interest. Amazing show by the way. As much as I like to post a review of it I am restricted to films. So, to channel my admiration to the show, I watched some of Jim Caviezel's best films, Outlander (2008) and Transit (2012).

Stay tuned as we review the films mentioned above.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Rian Johnson Playlist

In preparation for Looper, I'll watch every full-length film that the director of Looper, Rian Johnson, made besides, well, Looper. Well, I made it sound like a bunch. There's actually just two of them, Brick (2005) and The Brothers Bloom (2008). Quantity might be lacking, but I've heard a lot that it's enough for him to prove his greatness.

Now, It's would be impolite for me to not let you know how I think about it after watching them babies, so I would be posting reviews. It might not be as brilliant as Roger Ebert but I'm going to make sure to be honest as possible.

So watch out for these brilliantly thought out reviews and just relax and listen to the soothing sound of my voice. Wait, what?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What If the Ending Was Different

What if the ending was different.

I always think of the what-ifs every time the ending of the film was bad or even good. If you're like me, then I think you've search the internet for alternate endings or fans fictions or theories concerning the ending of a certain movie. 

If you do search for those things, I think you would have seen a video from HISHE (How It Should Have Ended).

How It Should Have Ended shows an alternate animated ending of a certain movie in a comedic way. Sometimes, pointing out the mistakes with the same manner of humor. Most movies make are super-heroes, Lord Of The Rings types, and some films with nerd fans in it.

Here is HISHE's approach in the ending of the film, Avengers.

Alexander Rhodes: The Suspicious Onlooker

I am going to talk to you about the extra named, Alexander Rhodes.

You have never heard of his name before have you? But according to IMDB, he is in a staring lead on Tom Cruise's movie, Jack Reacher as the Suspicious Onlooker.

Click for a larger Image

How did this happen?
Apparently, he posted a photo of him being an extra in the film and uploaded it on the site called reddit. It was received very well by the redditors. Now, his page on IMDB, got a lot of views because of his post. We're talking about a thousand of views. As it turns out, IMDB rank the cast based on its profile traffic and that is how Alexander Rhodes got above Tom Cruise on the lead role and how he is now ranked as Number 8 on IMDB's STARmeter; next to Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Chris Hemsworth, and Tom Hardy.

It's funny how a simple guy was made star by a huge community. It's funny how much impact a simple online community could make to a persons life and how they unknowingly made a man's dream come true.

So when you decide to watch Jack Reacher, make sure to look for some suspicious onlooker.

More Info on Joss Whedon's S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Show

During a further research on Joss Whedon's S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Show, I have uncovered a yet another AWESOME information about this project.

Ladies and Gentlemen... The character descriptions of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  • Skye – This late-20s woman sounds like a dream: fun, smart, caring and confident – with an ability to get the upper hand by using her wit and charm.
  • Agent Grant Ward – Quite the physical specimen and “cool under fire,” he sometimes botches interpersonal relations. He’s a quiet one with a bit of a temper, but he’s the kind of guy that grows on you.
  • Agent Althea Rice – Also known as “The Calvary,” this hard-core soldier has crazy skills when it comes to weapons and being a pilot. But her experiences have left her very quiet and a little damaged.
  • Agent Leo Fitz and Agent Jemma Simmons – These two came through training together and still choose to spend most of their time in each other’s company. Their sibling-like relationship is reinforced by their shared nerd tendencies – she deals with biology and chemistry, he’s a whiz at the technical side of weaponry.

  • Now, these characters aren't from the comic-books, trust me I've googled. They seem like a regular Whedon Character; fun, enjoyable, and interesting to watch. Awesome.

    The Lone Ranger's First Teaser

    The Jerry Bruckheimer produced Lone Ranger has now released its first Teaser trailer. According to some sources, it was the same footage that was shown during the last Comic-con. I could see that it's as Bruckheimer and Verbinski's replacement for Pirates of the Caribbean.

    My only comment about this teaser is that there's a lot of Johnny Depp footage shown than Armie Hammer who's playing the lead role of the Lone Ranger. I dearly hope that whole of the movie wouldn't be like this or else they could have just called the movie, Tonto.

    That being said, the trailer still looks interesting and action-packed. So watch the trailer available below and let us know what you think.

    Oh, by the way, Helena Bonham Carter's in this. Surprise, surprise.

    Joss Whedon Developing A S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Show

    I have always been waiting for the next Firefly, the next Joss Whedon TV Show. And I never expected it to be MARVEL related. It is like combining bacon with rainbows. It's very tragic that Firefly was unjustly cancelled. The reason was because it was on the wrong network, an un-supporting network, which is FOX, and it was also because the show doesn't have enough fans.

    Well, now that Joss has proven himself to the masses, everything he does now has instant audiences. Plus, the with material itself, the comic-book fans, the marvel fans, would definitely not miss a beat on this project. 

    It has got me thinking that maybe in the future, fingers are crossed as heck, the glorious show  of Firefly would return. But today's topic is not about Firefly, its about S.H.I.E.L.D. A more detailed look on how this agency works inside Marvel's Cinematic Universe.

    Imagine how amazing it could be. The possibilities of having this show and how it will help the overall universe. Imagine how easy it could be to introduce minor or major COMICBOOK characters into the movie. They can now have a different stream of presenting marvel characters besides in films.

    Secondly, being able to see the characters from the films to the TV and vice versa. Ex. Hawkeye special guests on one episode and Banner on the next. Or the main characters from TV having important roles on other films or at least a cameo. Imagine that. It's just like a regular MARVEL comic book issue. Spider-man showing up on Iron Man's issue, Wolverine battling the HULK, etc.

    Seeing how the Avengers became successful. I could see that this Series would see the same light that other MARVEL Studios projects saw. I Could not wait.

    timBern's Favorites: Hot Rod (2008)

    I was quite sad for not being able to watch DREDD. In fact, I was so sad that I went into an abandoned factory and dance myself to who knows what.
    Security Cam caught me doing it. Here's the footage.

    Alright. I know it wasn't me. It's Kevin Bacon in the movie, Footloose. It's one of the most memorable scenes from that movie. It was so memorable that it spawned spoofs; most notably, this one.

    It's from one of my favorite films, Hot Rod. Starring SNL's very own, Andy Samberg. It's In my list of "Films I Watch When I Am Bored". In my opinion, one of the most underrated comedy films I have ever watched.

    Here's the synopsis:
    Rod Kimble is a naïf, a slacker living in a small US town with his mom, his younger brother, and his stepfather whose respect he craves. He also misses his dead dad, whom he thinks was Evel Knievel's back-up. Rod, a man-child, believes that he is a stunt man. When his stepfather needs an operation, with help from his brother and his slacker pals, Rod hatches a plan to set a school-bus-jumping record on his moped. First, his crew and he have to raise money to rent the buses and build the ramp. Trouble is, Rod's inept at his chosen career. Looming failure is complicated by the return of Denise, Rod's next-door neighbor and secret heartthrob, who is home from college. Is public humiliation at hand?

    The writing is pretty Stupid-funny. Not stupid in the sense that the writer is stupid. No. It's because the film is so cleverly stupid that you realize it's smart. You get it? Well, I guess you have to be pretty "cleverly-stupid" (pardon my French) to get it. Kidding.

    The acting is part of what made this movie funny. It's like a one long SNL sketch with character backgrounds and all that shebang. Andy Samberg is pretty fit for acting like a man-child; he's so believable. You can actually see that inside the character, he is just a child whose desire is to be a stuntman like Evel Knievel. Also, the supporting pars the performance of Samberg. They're like caricatures came to life.

    Now, the most interesting part for me in this movie is that you ca never guess what the era is in this movie. The people, the places looks pretty modern but the fashion, the music, the overall feel seems pretty 70's, 80's, and even 90's. A creative way to deceive your audience.

    Now Go and watch it. Bored or Not.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Hong Kong Action: Hard Boiled (1992)

    Hard Boiled (1992)

    Director: John Woo

    Writers: John Woo (Story), 
    Barry Wong (Screenplay)

    Starring: Chow Yun-Fat, 
    Tony Leung Chiu Wai and 
    Teresa Mo

    My friend, If you're a fan of Hong Kong's film collections and haven't watched this movie then WHY THE HELL DO YOU CALL YOURSELF A FAN? 


    Hard Boiled jump-started Chow Yun-Fat and John Woo career to Hollywood. It has one of the most creative yet violent films I have ever seen. For a 90's Asian film, it's definitely not that bad. It's very different to what I used to watch during that era. Besides the Unlimited bullets, the every-time-you-reach-your-back-there's-a-pistol-clip method, and the very 90's hairstyles, you wouldn't really think of it as a 90's film. It's ahead of its time. 

    The film's story revolves around a cop whose partner got killed during an gun bust operation and now has vowed to finish the job and look for the people responsible for his partner's death. You might think it's one of those same old revenge story but it's really not. It has more content in it but to avoid being a spoiler I would not tell you what it is. Correction: what THEY are. Oohhh. Interesting, I know.

    And have you met Chow Yun-Fat? Yeah, he looks pretty B.A. in this film. He's like the Asian Bruce Willis, if you asked me, and Hard Boiled is his Die Hard. His acting is very natural and believable and his delivery of lines are in Chinese. The character development though are decent but not impressive. There weren't enough room for Woo to develop Chow Yun-Fat's character, Tequila. We did not see enough of who Tequila is; only that he is capable of handling a gun. The other characters, specially some of the bad guys, aren't that bad.

    They might have not enough time to develop them but it's the action sequences that made this amazing action film. Holy mothballs, the slow motion sequences from this film is the reason why a lot of films have slow motion action scenes. John Woo even inspired the slo-mo scenes of The Matrix, a film famous for slo-mos. The way they use the slow motion are very natural and not forced unlike other films in Hollywood today.

    I urge you film buffs to watch this movie and you would definitely have a fun time.

    Here's a trailer for Hard Boiled:

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    Looper Gets an Animated Trailer

    Just when I thought this movie wouldn't get any cooler. Check out this amazing new trailer for Looper. 

    This trailer heavily reminds of a Blade Runner video that was recreated with watercolor. Both are pretty slick if you ask me. This animated trailer, same as the Blade Runner Watercolor, recreates the original trailer but with more styles/methods of art. Just goes to show that this isn't your regular blockbuster film, It's has more creativeness and love in it; Passion at the way it is being presented to us.

    Here is the synopsis:

    In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a "looper" - a hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good... until the day the mob decides to "close the loop," sending back Joe's future self (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul Dano, and Jeff Daniels. Ram Bergman and James D. Stern produce.

    Bonus Content:
     The Blade Runner Watercolor Video

    Looper - Showing on September 2012

    I'm pretty pumped up to this movie. Since Inception, I've always wanted to see more of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in action films. And Bruce Willis? I don't even understand why I have to say how exited I am to watch him in this movie. Yippee-Ki-Yay? Hans Gruber? Yes, my dearest readers, I'm talking about Die Hard! The greatest action movie ever made -- for me at least. He's really really fit for this movie. Heck, I even think the character was written specially with him in mind.

    By the looks of it, I think it's going to be one of the best movies of the year. I'm always interested in the concept of time travelling in films so this film definitely got my attention the moment I saw it. Plus, not only does it use the usual time travelling story but doing a story that have never been used before. Future self being chased by your present self. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Here the full synopsis of Looper.

    In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a "looper" - a hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good... until the day the mob decides to "close the loop," sending back Joe's future self (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul Dano, and Jeff Daniels. Ram Bergman and James D. Stern produce.

    So, I'm pretty excited for this film and I hope to watch it as soon as I can. It'll be worth it.

    Sunday, September 23, 2012

    Bad Lip Reading - The Hunger Games

    Hunger Games fans should definitely watch this video. It's very hilarious and accurate. What they say in the video doesn't even make sense at some point but the words really does seem like it was what they were really saying. I'm sure even if you weren't a fan of the film, such as myself, you would still enjoy this clip because of how well it was made. So go click on that "Play Button" and will you, for the love of Gman, put on a shirt?
    [Date Night Reference - Check]

    Posted on 9/23/2012

    Saturday, September 22, 2012

    The Leaked Robocop Suit

    Have you seen the leaked photos of the new Robocop? Are you one of those people who disapproves the suit? Well now is not the time to complain because it's still in production. And there is no story besides this picture.

    Click for a Larger Image

    According to a friend of mine in facebook who's in the industry, the suit that was shown could be a test or a stunt suit. 

    "To everyone freaking out over the new Robocop design, that is NOT the final look. I was lucky enough to have seen the majority of the concepts, and I can promise it is way cooler than that. What was shown was either test, framing, or the stunt suit/under layer suit that he wears. The final has chrome, is robotic, and is designed by some insanely badass artists. 
    Rest assured."
    - Dan Luvisi 

    As he said on his other comment, he could be wrong. But never trust a leaked photo. As one blog stated,  Chris Hemsworth didn't looked as good in the leaked photos of Thor as he was in the finished product.

    As I've said, never trust and unfinished work.

    You should check out Dan Luvisi's Deviantart Page:

    He's got pretty nice stuffs in there.
    He's a very cool artist; very accommodating to his fans.

    Credits to

    Posted on 9/22/2012

    Friday, September 21, 2012

    Loki is Smart - The Avengers (2012)

    I've been watching The Avengers again and again since I've downloaded the 1080p version. Oh, did I say downloaded? No, I meant I got it from a friend of a friend.

    Huh, that was close.

    Getting back, I also watched the Blu Ray extras, read a bunch of Avengers comics from 2001-present, even watched their Kiddie show and I realized that, holy monster of fries, Loki is really really smart. He's one of the greatest villains of the Marvel universe. Heck, the whole comic book history. NO! One of the greatest villains of all time.

    That escalated quickly.

    Kidding aside, he's one smart son of a gun; I was thinking why he seemed somewhat weak against the Avengers during the film. Why was he defeated that easily? And then It hit me. He's one smart son of a gun. And did I say he was smart?

    In the film Thor (2011), [SPOILER ALERT] Loki ruled Asgard for just a short period of time until Thor came in and saved the day. Causing Loki to permanently be banished from Asgard and get lost in space.

    You see? He RULED Asgard, why would he want to rule Earth?

    [Dramatic pause for more thrill]

    He meant it personal. Personal for Thor. Destroying the realm where Thor's lover, Jane Foster lives. He knows Thor will do anything to cross realm, even if [SPOILER ALERT] the bifrost was destroyed, and will do anything to come and stop him. Oh, you know what? He wanted to be stopped. For Thor to bring him back to Asgard and be punished with the Asgardian Law. Loki wouldn't care. His main goal was just to be back in Asgard in whatever plan he has to regain Odin's throne -- the throne of Asgard. In a way, He won.

    Posted on 9/21/2012 

    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    Hong Kong Action I: Introduction

    by Tim Bernardino

    Last few weeks, I've been playing a game called Sleeping Dogs. It's about an undercover police officer going undercover for the Hong Kong Police to infiltrate and bring down a triad organization called the "Sun On Yee". As he gets deeper and deeper in his cover, he gets too connected to everything around him that his sight starts to gets blurred on which side to serve.

    This game really captured the feel of most of the Hong Kong Action Films; specially during the era of 80s and 90s. It reminded me most of those dubbed Jackie Chan action films I used to watch when I was young which made me download a bunch of Jackie Chan Films. Films like "Who Am I? (1998)""Armour Of God (1987)", my favorite Jackie movie "Wheels On Wheels (1984)", and most especially the "Police Story Series".

    These kinds of films grabbed my attention when I was young because of how amazing the stunts were and -- well, because it's full of Kung-Fu. Who doesn't like Kung-fu? 

    Now that I've rewatched it with my (somewhat) mature state of mind and understanding, I realized that It's not just about stunts and fight sequences; I realized that the stories were also a huge plus. Specially with Hong Kong's reoccurring stories in films about Undercover Cops fighting the Triads.

    Filing my Nostalgia Gauge with JC movies left me wanting for more. More of Hong Kong's Action films. 

    So, stay tuned as I venture Hong Kong's fine list of action-filled movies only here @filmRaid.


    Posted on 9/20/2012 

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012


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    From Film reviews to Film rumors, we've got it just for you, readers.

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    Posted on 9/19/2012 
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