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Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Lone Ranger's First Teaser

The Jerry Bruckheimer produced Lone Ranger has now released its first Teaser trailer. According to some sources, it was the same footage that was shown during the last Comic-con. I could see that it's as Bruckheimer and Verbinski's replacement for Pirates of the Caribbean.

My only comment about this teaser is that there's a lot of Johnny Depp footage shown than Armie Hammer who's playing the lead role of the Lone Ranger. I dearly hope that whole of the movie wouldn't be like this or else they could have just called the movie, Tonto.

That being said, the trailer still looks interesting and action-packed. So watch the trailer available below and let us know what you think.

Oh, by the way, Helena Bonham Carter's in this. Surprise, surprise.


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