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Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Leaked Robocop Suit

Have you seen the leaked photos of the new Robocop? Are you one of those people who disapproves the suit? Well now is not the time to complain because it's still in production. And there is no story besides this picture.

Click for a Larger Image

According to a friend of mine in facebook who's in the industry, the suit that was shown could be a test or a stunt suit. 

"To everyone freaking out over the new Robocop design, that is NOT the final look. I was lucky enough to have seen the majority of the concepts, and I can promise it is way cooler than that. What was shown was either test, framing, or the stunt suit/under layer suit that he wears. The final has chrome, is robotic, and is designed by some insanely badass artists. 
Rest assured."
- Dan Luvisi 

As he said on his other comment, he could be wrong. But never trust a leaked photo. As one blog stated,  Chris Hemsworth didn't looked as good in the leaked photos of Thor as he was in the finished product.

As I've said, never trust and unfinished work.

You should check out Dan Luvisi's Deviantart Page:

He's got pretty nice stuffs in there.
He's a very cool artist; very accommodating to his fans.

Credits to

Posted on 9/22/2012


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