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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

As a blogger, I am not really affect by it. I talk about movies and not politics. The only thing that bothered me in this law is the restriction of torrenting. That's my life. I get almost all of my films by torrenting. But NAY! I will never stop torrenting! 

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

[Braveheart Reference - Check]

Jim Caviezel has been getting a lot of B-movies. Not just any ordinary b-movies but good ones. This latest film from him is one of his best. The story is about a family travelling for a camping trip but got tangled with a bunch of viscous robbers after their heist. 

You might think its that same old story again but it's not. The script isn't that bad for a b-movie. The acting is really realistic and natural. There's a lot of interesting twist and the situation seem really really plausible. There's a lot of suspense and action in this movie. My mother was literally shouting when we were watching it. There's a lot of story flaws but it's acceptable and easily forgettable.

What interesting for me is that the main protagonist, Nate (Jim Caviezel) isn't a trained cop or a CIA agent with experience. He is a father with no necessary skills in his situation; It a real person going through this haunting scenario.

A movie full of suspense and action. Not bad for a b-movie.

The action heroes from the 80's are back. They are back with a vengeance. During an interview, Sylvester Stallone said that superhero films destroyed the action hero genre. I respectfully disagree. I believe that the reason the action hero got ruined is because they stopped producing one. Now, because of The Expendables (2010), they relived their glory days and got more inspired to do more. The Expendables franchise has been a hit in the box office and the DVD Releases.

Because of that action legends has been making new projects. Sly and Arnie on, The Tomb (2013) with my fave, Jim Caviezel. Bruce Willis on A Good Day To Die Hard (2013) and a bunch of action films for the year of 2013. That being said, now that they started to do films again, I guess the action hero genre's back.

Jim Caviezel is a badass actor and this film showcased his badassery. He always has this role of a good guy with great skills being chased and bullied by bad people. He's almost like the modern day american FPJ. In this film, his role was no different but with a viking sword and a bit of a sci-fi ray gun.

"Wait what?" is what I am guessing your reaction to the last sentence be. Swords and ray guns. That's right the movie's about a man with futuristic stuffs got his spaceship crashed from the land of the vikings. The movie has a Norse Legend theme mixed with science fiction elements. I have never seen a movie with that equation. As Jim Caviezel stated, "Kind of like Braveheart (1995) and Highlander (1986) combined." A very interesting setting for a movie that leaves you curious as you were watching the film.

I don't usually watch B-movies but I'm glad I watched this one. The film really surpassed my expectation. It's has a lot of action-packed scenes. The story's quite interesting but it isn't too deep. The story has a good character development, specially with part of the vikings. The CGI aren't that bad but it could have been better. The acting were superb, specially with actors like, John Hurt and Ron Pearlman. If you're looking for an entertaining film with full of action and interested in vikings and sci-fi's, well this film's for you.

By the looks of the trailer, it looks amazing. A movie full with brilliant actors and an original story. It's not very unusual for Hollywood today. When most of the films today were remakes, reboots and adaptations, this film's a fresh sight from herd.

Colin Farrell, Christopher Walken, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Tom Waits, Olga Kurylenko, and Abbie Cornish. Seven brilliant actors playing as psychopaths. The film looks hilarious, interesting, and original. Definitely my most awaited list for this year.

Trailer and synopsis below.

A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu.

Remember when I promised to watch two of Rian Johnson films? Yeah, you should. It's on my last post. Well, rules are about to change my friend. Jim Caviezel is what I watched this week. It was not intentional but maybe it's destiny.

Why Jim Caviezel? My father watches his TV Show, Person Of Interest. Amazing show by the way. As much as I like to post a review of it I am restricted to films. So, to channel my admiration to the show, I watched some of Jim Caviezel's best films, Outlander (2008) and Transit (2012).

Stay tuned as we review the films mentioned above.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

In preparation for Looper, I'll watch every full-length film that the director of Looper, Rian Johnson, made besides, well, Looper. Well, I made it sound like a bunch. There's actually just two of them, Brick (2005) and The Brothers Bloom (2008). Quantity might be lacking, but I've heard a lot that it's enough for him to prove his greatness.

Now, It's would be impolite for me to not let you know how I think about it after watching them babies, so I would be posting reviews. It might not be as brilliant as Roger Ebert but I'm going to make sure to be honest as possible.

So watch out for these brilliantly thought out reviews and just relax and listen to the soothing sound of my voice. Wait, what?
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