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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hong Kong Action: Hard Boiled (1992)

Hard Boiled (1992)

Director: John Woo

Writers: John Woo (Story), 
Barry Wong (Screenplay)

Starring: Chow Yun-Fat, 
Tony Leung Chiu Wai and 
Teresa Mo

My friend, If you're a fan of Hong Kong's film collections and haven't watched this movie then WHY THE HELL DO YOU CALL YOURSELF A FAN? 


Hard Boiled jump-started Chow Yun-Fat and John Woo career to Hollywood. It has one of the most creative yet violent films I have ever seen. For a 90's Asian film, it's definitely not that bad. It's very different to what I used to watch during that era. Besides the Unlimited bullets, the every-time-you-reach-your-back-there's-a-pistol-clip method, and the very 90's hairstyles, you wouldn't really think of it as a 90's film. It's ahead of its time. 

The film's story revolves around a cop whose partner got killed during an gun bust operation and now has vowed to finish the job and look for the people responsible for his partner's death. You might think it's one of those same old revenge story but it's really not. It has more content in it but to avoid being a spoiler I would not tell you what it is. Correction: what THEY are. Oohhh. Interesting, I know.

And have you met Chow Yun-Fat? Yeah, he looks pretty B.A. in this film. He's like the Asian Bruce Willis, if you asked me, and Hard Boiled is his Die Hard. His acting is very natural and believable and his delivery of lines are in Chinese. The character development though are decent but not impressive. There weren't enough room for Woo to develop Chow Yun-Fat's character, Tequila. We did not see enough of who Tequila is; only that he is capable of handling a gun. The other characters, specially some of the bad guys, aren't that bad.

They might have not enough time to develop them but it's the action sequences that made this amazing action film. Holy mothballs, the slow motion sequences from this film is the reason why a lot of films have slow motion action scenes. John Woo even inspired the slo-mo scenes of The Matrix, a film famous for slo-mos. The way they use the slow motion are very natural and not forced unlike other films in Hollywood today.

I urge you film buffs to watch this movie and you would definitely have a fun time.

Here's a trailer for Hard Boiled:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Looper Gets an Animated Trailer

Just when I thought this movie wouldn't get any cooler. Check out this amazing new trailer for Looper. 

This trailer heavily reminds of a Blade Runner video that was recreated with watercolor. Both are pretty slick if you ask me. This animated trailer, same as the Blade Runner Watercolor, recreates the original trailer but with more styles/methods of art. Just goes to show that this isn't your regular blockbuster film, It's has more creativeness and love in it; Passion at the way it is being presented to us.

Here is the synopsis:

In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a "looper" - a hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good... until the day the mob decides to "close the loop," sending back Joe's future self (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul Dano, and Jeff Daniels. Ram Bergman and James D. Stern produce.

Bonus Content:
 The Blade Runner Watercolor Video

Looper - Showing on September 2012

I'm pretty pumped up to this movie. Since Inception, I've always wanted to see more of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in action films. And Bruce Willis? I don't even understand why I have to say how exited I am to watch him in this movie. Yippee-Ki-Yay? Hans Gruber? Yes, my dearest readers, I'm talking about Die Hard! The greatest action movie ever made -- for me at least. He's really really fit for this movie. Heck, I even think the character was written specially with him in mind.

By the looks of it, I think it's going to be one of the best movies of the year. I'm always interested in the concept of time travelling in films so this film definitely got my attention the moment I saw it. Plus, not only does it use the usual time travelling story but doing a story that have never been used before. Future self being chased by your present self. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Here the full synopsis of Looper.

In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented - but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a "looper" - a hired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) - is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good... until the day the mob decides to "close the loop," sending back Joe's future self (Bruce Willis) for assassination. The film is written and directed by Rian Johnson and also stars Emily Blunt, Paul Dano, and Jeff Daniels. Ram Bergman and James D. Stern produce.

So, I'm pretty excited for this film and I hope to watch it as soon as I can. It'll be worth it.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bad Lip Reading - The Hunger Games

Hunger Games fans should definitely watch this video. It's very hilarious and accurate. What they say in the video doesn't even make sense at some point but the words really does seem like it was what they were really saying. I'm sure even if you weren't a fan of the film, such as myself, you would still enjoy this clip because of how well it was made. So go click on that "Play Button" and will you, for the love of Gman, put on a shirt?
[Date Night Reference - Check]

Posted on 9/23/2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Leaked Robocop Suit

Have you seen the leaked photos of the new Robocop? Are you one of those people who disapproves the suit? Well now is not the time to complain because it's still in production. And there is no story besides this picture.

Click for a Larger Image

According to a friend of mine in facebook who's in the industry, the suit that was shown could be a test or a stunt suit. 

"To everyone freaking out over the new Robocop design, that is NOT the final look. I was lucky enough to have seen the majority of the concepts, and I can promise it is way cooler than that. What was shown was either test, framing, or the stunt suit/under layer suit that he wears. The final has chrome, is robotic, and is designed by some insanely badass artists. 
Rest assured."
- Dan Luvisi 

As he said on his other comment, he could be wrong. But never trust a leaked photo. As one blog stated,  Chris Hemsworth didn't looked as good in the leaked photos of Thor as he was in the finished product.

As I've said, never trust and unfinished work.

You should check out Dan Luvisi's Deviantart Page:

He's got pretty nice stuffs in there.
He's a very cool artist; very accommodating to his fans.

Credits to

Posted on 9/22/2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Loki is Smart - The Avengers (2012)

I've been watching The Avengers again and again since I've downloaded the 1080p version. Oh, did I say downloaded? No, I meant I got it from a friend of a friend.

Huh, that was close.

Getting back, I also watched the Blu Ray extras, read a bunch of Avengers comics from 2001-present, even watched their Kiddie show and I realized that, holy monster of fries, Loki is really really smart. He's one of the greatest villains of the Marvel universe. Heck, the whole comic book history. NO! One of the greatest villains of all time.

That escalated quickly.

Kidding aside, he's one smart son of a gun; I was thinking why he seemed somewhat weak against the Avengers during the film. Why was he defeated that easily? And then It hit me. He's one smart son of a gun. And did I say he was smart?

In the film Thor (2011), [SPOILER ALERT] Loki ruled Asgard for just a short period of time until Thor came in and saved the day. Causing Loki to permanently be banished from Asgard and get lost in space.

You see? He RULED Asgard, why would he want to rule Earth?

[Dramatic pause for more thrill]

He meant it personal. Personal for Thor. Destroying the realm where Thor's lover, Jane Foster lives. He knows Thor will do anything to cross realm, even if [SPOILER ALERT] the bifrost was destroyed, and will do anything to come and stop him. Oh, you know what? He wanted to be stopped. For Thor to bring him back to Asgard and be punished with the Asgardian Law. Loki wouldn't care. His main goal was just to be back in Asgard in whatever plan he has to regain Odin's throne -- the throne of Asgard. In a way, He won.

Posted on 9/21/2012 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hong Kong Action I: Introduction

by Tim Bernardino

Last few weeks, I've been playing a game called Sleeping Dogs. It's about an undercover police officer going undercover for the Hong Kong Police to infiltrate and bring down a triad organization called the "Sun On Yee". As he gets deeper and deeper in his cover, he gets too connected to everything around him that his sight starts to gets blurred on which side to serve.

This game really captured the feel of most of the Hong Kong Action Films; specially during the era of 80s and 90s. It reminded me most of those dubbed Jackie Chan action films I used to watch when I was young which made me download a bunch of Jackie Chan Films. Films like "Who Am I? (1998)""Armour Of God (1987)", my favorite Jackie movie "Wheels On Wheels (1984)", and most especially the "Police Story Series".

These kinds of films grabbed my attention when I was young because of how amazing the stunts were and -- well, because it's full of Kung-Fu. Who doesn't like Kung-fu? 

Now that I've rewatched it with my (somewhat) mature state of mind and understanding, I realized that It's not just about stunts and fight sequences; I realized that the stories were also a huge plus. Specially with Hong Kong's reoccurring stories in films about Undercover Cops fighting the Triads.

Filing my Nostalgia Gauge with JC movies left me wanting for more. More of Hong Kong's Action films. 

So, stay tuned as I venture Hong Kong's fine list of action-filled movies only here @filmRaid.


Posted on 9/20/2012 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


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Posted on 9/19/2012 
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