I've been watching The Avengers again and again since I've downloaded the 1080p version. Oh, did I say downloaded? No, I meant I got it from a friend of a friend.
Huh, that was close.
Getting back, I also watched the Blu Ray extras, read a bunch of Avengers comics from 2001-present, even watched their Kiddie show and I realized that, holy monster of fries, Loki is really really smart. He's one of the greatest villains of the Marvel universe. Heck, the whole comic book history. NO! One of the greatest villains of all time.
That escalated quickly.
Kidding aside, he's one smart son of a gun; I was thinking why he seemed somewhat weak against the Avengers during the film. Why was he defeated that easily? And then It hit me. He's one smart son of a gun. And did I say he was smart?
In the film Thor (2011), [SPOILER ALERT] Loki ruled Asgard for just a short period of time until Thor came in and saved the day. Causing Loki to permanently be banished from Asgard and get lost in space.
You see? He RULED Asgard, why would he want to rule Earth?
[Dramatic pause for more thrill]
He meant it personal. Personal for Thor. Destroying the realm where Thor's lover, Jane Foster lives. He knows Thor will do anything to cross realm, even if [SPOILER ALERT] the bifrost was destroyed, and will do anything to come and stop him. Oh, you know what? He wanted to be stopped. For Thor to bring him back to Asgard and be punished with the Asgardian Law. Loki wouldn't care. His main goal was just to be back in Asgard in whatever plan he has to regain Odin's throne -- the throne of Asgard. In a way, He won.
Posted on 9/21/2012
Posted on 9/21/2012
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